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Structural changes at NAC Uzbekistan Airways completed

11 November 2019
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Over the years, many measures have been taken to develop the country's civil aviation: aircraft fleets have been updated, airport infrastructure, air traffic control systems and training of qualified specialists have been improved. At the same time, today there are a number of system deficiencies, the elimination of which is the most important task facing the representatives of this sphere.

In accordance with the presidential decree PF-5584 “On measures to radically improve the civil aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the specially created Working Commission carried out the work on coordination and practical assistance in implementing comprehensive measures to restructure the NAC Uzbekistan Airways.

In particular, the JSC Uzbekistan Airways, as well as the state unitary enterprises Flight Complex, Main Air Transport Agency and Uzaviatekhsnab Material and Technical Supply Complex, have been established on the basis of the NAC Uzbekistan Airways directorate.

Besides, JSC Uzbekistan Airports was established by transferring the state share in the statutory funds of the following LLCs:

  • LLC Andijan International Airport;
  • LLC Bukhara International Airport;
  • LLC Karshi International Airport;
  • LLC Navoi International Airport;
  • LLC Nukus International Airport;
  • LLC Namangan International Airport;
  • LLC Samarkand International Airport;
  • LLC Tashkent International Airport named after Islam Karimov;
  • LLC Termez International Airport;
  • LLC Urgench International Airport;
  • LLC Fergana International Airport.

LLC Uzbekistan Helicopters was established on the basis of SUE “Special aviation works”. The state-owned enterprise “Uzaeronavigation center” has been transferred to the Transport Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the company noted.


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