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Questionary form

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In order to improve the quality of passenger services of our airline, we kindly ask you to participate in our survey by answering objectively to the following questions:

How is your mood?

Choose service class:

1 Trip Preparation

What is the purpose of your flight?

Why did you choose the flight of our company?

Where do you prefer to purchase an air ticket?

For rating quality of our service we offer you to use 5-point scale, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Please, rate sales desk service quality.

2 Airport service
Please, rate: Very bad Bad Neither good or bad Good Excellent Not used
Airport service level in general
Understandability and clarity of flight announcements
Clarity and information sufficiency of visual aids
Staff`s appearance
Staff`s responsiveness, politeness
Availability and accessibility of baggage trolleys on departure
Availability and accessibility of baggage trolleys arrival
Please, mark spent time

For check-in

For baggage delivery

3 Business lounge (CIP)

Have you used Business Lounge facilities?

Please, rate: Very bad Bad Neither good or bad Good Excellent Not used
Convenience of CIP Business Lounge (lighting, air, interior)
Choice of reading materials (newspapers, magazines)
Choice of hot snacks
Choice of soft drinks
Choice of hot drinks

4 Onboard service
Please, rate: Very bad Bad Neither good or bad Good Excellent Not used
Greeting and accommodation of passengers
Staff`s appearance
Staff`s responsiveness and politeness
Staff`s professionalism
Reliability, content-richness, clarity of passenger announcements
Cleanliness of cabin
Cleanliness of lavatories
Convenience of cabin (temperature, noise, lighting)
Choice and quality of food
Choice and quality of soft drinks
Choice and quality of alcoholic drinks
Choice of goods offered by “Sky shop”
Choice of reading materials (newspapers, magazines)
Choice of in-flight entertainment (in-flight audio/video systems)
Onboard service level in general

Website www.uzairways.Com

Please, rate our website.

Your suggestions to improve our website (if any).

Would you like to add anything to our survey? (offers, suggestions, comments)


Your age

Phone number or e-mail (if any):