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Basic definitions.

RATE - the amount charged by the Carrier for transportation of a unit of weight (in this case 1 kg). When accepting cargo for carriage is applied the rate that is active at the time of completing the air waybill (AWB).

FREIGHT RATE - the amount charged by the Carrier for transportation of cargo. This amount depends on the weight/volume/type of the goods.

MINIMUM RATE (MIN) – the cost of shipping in any cases must not be lower than this amount.

NORMAL FREIGHT RATE (NORM) – the rate applied for the calculation of the cost of transportation of goods up to 45 kg inclusively.


45 - the rate applied for the calculation of the cost of transportation of goods from 45 kg to 99 kg, inclusively;

100 - rate applied for the calculation of the cost of transportation of goods from 100 kg to 499 kg, inclusively;

500 - the rate applied for the calculation of the cost of transportation of goods from 500 kg to 999 kg inclusively;

1000 - the rate applied for the calculation of the cost of transportation for goods from 1000 kg and above.

Rules for calculating the volumetric weight.

Volumetric (or lightweight) cargo is a cargo the volume of which is equal or exceeds 0.006 m3 (6000 cm3) for 1 kg of gross weight.

When transporting volumetric cargo, fee for carriage is calculated on the basis of volume of cargo. For determining the volume, each package is assumed to be a rectangular prism and the volume of cargo is calculated based on the maximum length, width and height of each package, and if multiple packs are connected together, then in length, width and height of this bundle. The linear measure of 5 mm or more is rounded to the nearest whole centimeter, and linear measure below 5 mm is not considered.

FOR EXAMPLE: the size of the shipment is: 162.2 cm x of 155.6 cm x 141,4 cm. These dimensions will be rounded up to integral values: 162 cm x 156 cm x 141 cm = 3 563 352 cm3. Weight for payment shall be determined by dividing the cubic volume of the shipment in cm by 6,000. The result is 593,892 kg. Results in kg are rounded and we get the payable weight - 594 kg.

NOTE: In case of exceeding of volumetric weight over the actual (gross), the rate of transportation is determined according to the volumetric weight.

Annex № 1 - General cargo Annex № 2 - Agricultural products Annex № 3 - Textile products Annex № 4 - General cargo transportations from domestic airports Annex № 5 - Agricultural products, transportations from domestic airports Annex № 6 - Textile production, for transporting from domestic airports Annex № 7 - General cargo transportations on domestic directions.pdf