Training Center
The Training Center of the Uzbekistan Airways is the main aviation training provider on the Republic of Uzbekistan territory.
Initial and recurrent trainings are available for pilots, cabin attendants and flight dispatchers. All course programs are created according to ICAO standards and recommended practice and are meet IOSA requirements. Programs are approved by Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Virtual Procedure Trainers and Full Flight Simulators of Level D are available 24/7/365.
There are two building of Training Center are located near to Tashkent International Airport named after Islam Karimov.

Administration and Theoretical Training facilities are located in the main 5 floors building.
46 classes per 20 seats;
Meeting hall for up to 100 seats with multimedia, projectors etc.;
Examination classes with cross video/audio recordings;
Multimedia classes for language learning.
Practical training facilities are located in the modern building adjacent to the main building.
Virtual Procedure Trainers:
Airbus procedure trainer A320 (APT Airbus 320 produced by “CAE” Canada);
Virtual procedure trainer (VPT Boeing 767 produced by “Aerosim” USA);

Full Flight Simulators produced by “CAE Inc.”, Canada:
Boeing 767 SERIES 6000XR, Full Flight Simulator Level D, Engines PW4060 (Qualification Standard FAA AC 120-40A requirements for a Phase III flight simulator and ICAO Doc 9625 3rd Edition Level VII);
Airbus 320 SERIES 7000XR, Full Flight Simulator Level D, Engines CFM 56-5B4 (Qualification Standard ICAO Doc 9625 3rd Edition Level VII);
FFS IL-114-100 is unique facility produced especially for the Uzbekistan Airways in cooperation with the “ILYUSHIN” Aviation Corporation. IL-114-100 fleet usage was terminated in 2018 therefore the Simulator are used mainly for scientific and research activities.

Modern Fire Trainer: "V9000 Commander™" (produced by "Flame-Aviation", Netherlands).

Airplane mock up (B757) for emergency training.
If you are interested in any kind of training or leasing contact:
Fax: +998712553403
Orders for meetings or negotiations must be submitted by:
Fax: +998712553403
Business address: “O’quv Mashq Markazi” 120, Kumarik street Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Post code: 100167