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Extra baggage

For extra baggage, as well as for special category baggage (animals, sports equipment, overweight and oversized baggage), the passenger pays the fee established for excessive and special baggage.

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List of dangerous substances and items prohibited for carriage on board of the airplane

Explosives, blasting agents and objects, stuffed them: any gunpowder, in any package and in any amount; any ammunition, cartridges (including small-caliber), ammunition to gas weapon,  hunting blasting caps (percussion caps), pyrotechnic means;

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Restrictions on the import / export of some products and goods

People`s Republic of China Since January 1, 2014, it is prohibited to import into the People`s Republi

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Restrictions on baggage

For carriage as both registered and unregistered baggage the following are accepted: Objects and substances that may be hazardous to aircraft, passengers on board the aircraft owned by airline or passengers;

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Carriage of Special Equipment

Wheelchairs with the electric motors for the transport of sick and other battery-powered mobility aids are accepted for carriage as checked baggage only with the prior consent of the carrier, and subject always to the following conditions:

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Travelling with Pets

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Lost luggage

Loss of luggage - a violation of the contract of carriage in which the carrier after a specified delivery period and the expiration of Investigation not delivered luggage, cannot give it to the authorized recipient of baggage, regardless of whether it happened because of his actual loss, infiltra

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